Madeline and I had a "girls day" a few weekends ago. She wanted to have a day with just mom. We went out to lunch (her choice, McDonald's) and to the Halloween event at Kings Island. She wore her costume and told everyone in the lines that she was there with her "mama". Every, single, line, she told the people around us. It got to be a little much, but it's a memory I'll never forget. She was so happy and excited to have a day for us girls. I promised her we'll be doing more of these days just us and I can't wait for the next one.
Sarah - never never NEVER stop having those days. And if I might be presumptious enough to give advice - have "date nights" with your son! To this day my kids talk about that and I still LOVE my "girls days" with Kennedy. At 14 they usually involve shopping, a movie and dinner and then she's had enough of me until the next time but it's totally worth it!!!! Good for you!