Thursday, March 25, 2010

I made a "club caterpillar wrap" as I call it for Madeline for lunch today. She was so excited she immediately and rather barbarically ate the head and said, "I'm going to eat his face off, yum!" Here is the be-headed caterpillar...I'm scared.


Although they aren't finished yet, I finally took photos of the kids rooms. Maybe one day we'll have a decorated and grown-up room of our own.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Getting so big

Jonny had his 1 month doctors appointment this week. He's 50th percentile across the board and weighs a whopping 9 lbs 10 oz now. The Newborn size diapers are gone and the Newborn size clothes are getting tight...sniff, sniff. Only 5 more weeks and I have to go back to work...again I say...sniff, sniff. More cuteness to come.

P.S. Notice poor, sad Cooper in the background. He's having some trouble being knocked down the pole to #3 on the list, but he's still my first baby :)
Lots of things going on since I last posted two weeks ago. Jeremy and Renee were in town and met their new nephew. We had a great and always TOO SHORT visit with them and my parents for the weekend.

Madeline is still bragging about her baby brother (wondering how long that is going to last!) and smothers him in kisses and affection never wanting to be too far away from him.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Almost three weeks and finally a video. I've got a lot of catching up to do. I am thankful for all the documentation of my younger years being the first child. Enjoy the cuddly lump of cuteness and that he can barely keep his eyes open ;)